So we worked hard at not using words like ‘sin’, ‘righteousness’, ‘judgment’ and ‘atonement’. These words needed to be avoided or explained. Interestingly, you could freely use words like ‘love’, ‘peace’ and ‘hope’. I’m not sure whether jargon was the problem, so much as fear of confrontation.
- Missional
- Worshipful
- Emergent
- Emerging
- Lead Pastor
- Wholeness
- Wellness
- Healthful
- Conversant with...
I don't know what half of these words mean, and I work here.
Love, Justin.
> I’m not sure whether jargon was the problem, so much as fear of confrontation.
I think that would be a fair conclusion to make there justin!
I have to stop myself using jargon at my TC B/s sometimes, especially with new kids, but you're right, it always seems to be those 'big' words that are just too contronting that we 'explain' but perhaps to soften that blow?! hm interesting thought anyway....
Some others we might want to add (not quite as odd but equally obscured from over use)
just ("we'just' want to pray that . . ." )
hows about 'worship pastor'?
or 'purpose-driven'? I mean, what does 'purpose-driven' mean? What a load of gobbledygook!
oh, and some adjectives:
godly (shame to list godly, used to be a good word)
I was once given a paper in Bible college that was trying to convey the language barrier Christians have to overcome in order to talk about their faith to the unchurched. It contained language such as "washed in the blood," "eating the flesh," and tons of others that specifically escape me at the moment but whose impression has never left me.
We do love our language and today's power words will be tomorrow's pariahs. Nothing like being distracted from the real issue. Makes me think of St. Francis' quote: "Preach the Gospel, if Necessary use Words."
The term "wellness" seems to be appearing all over the place. Not that I know what it means...
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