Friday, July 31, 2009

Have input into the DNA of a New Congregation...

We are having a meeting this Sunday Evening at 4PM. I write this note for your prayers. Or maybe you want to contact me about being a part of this journey.

At York Street, we have an opportunity: We have a central city space, willing hearts, and an actual key to a large, stunning building not currently being used in the evening. So we seek God’s will in planting a new Evening Congregation: a new community, and a new kind of church reaching a new kind of city. And in partnership with other churches who preach Christ.

We want to truly seek the face of the Lord, and follow his Spirit. Maybe he is not in the project. And we want to find that out. So we are gathering for passionate and fervent prayer this Sunday afternoon. We will be approach God’s throne, asking him what kind of Congregation he wants for a new kind of City. It is Tabula Rasa stuff (Blank Slate). You can read more HERE.

It is rare to be a part of a community in its formation; to have input into its DNA. It will be fun. And we’ll have dinner in the city.

Let me know by emailing me if you are planning on coming. I need to work out how many Redeemer Church Planting Manuals to order.


BEG (1st Sunday of the month)
We beg God to move and act by his Spirit. We ask him to cause deep repentance. We sing and take joy in Jesus.

PLAN (2nd Sunday of the month)
We argue and eat and discuss the best way forward. Lots of sticky notes and whiteboards. We will work with the Redeemer Presbyterian Planting Manuel.

EVANGELISTIC WORSHIP (3rd Sunday of the month)
Perhaps we go to the Church Building, and do church in a way we pray is good for our friends. Just us. Or maybe our friends join us and help us.

VISITING (4th Sunday of the month)
We visit other churches on this Sunday, looking for the best in them. We will go as a group to other churches, coming back full of joy to share what we learn.
Three ways you can be a part of it:
  • EMAIL me if you think God is leading you to plan with us, and we will talk.
  • EMAIL me if you simply want updates for your prayers, and I will email you.
  • Send THIS LINK to people who may be interested.
Pic on Flickr by Idle_Type.


RetiredinNYC said...

Justin - will be praying for you in this! Alicia

Phil said...

Awesome to hear about this Justin.

Our prayers are with you on this.

2 Th 1:11 - I am praying that God may fulfill every good purpose of yours in this and every act prompted by your faith and of all whom are involved.
