My New York readers are relatively silent. But a friend who is visiting town wanted to know where is the best place to get a NYC steak.
Pic on Flickr by DazeGoonBoy.
"I guess that's the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin' it-self, down through the generations, westward the wagons, across the sands a time until-- aw, look at me, I'm ramblin' again. Wel, uh hope you folks enjoyed yourselves."
C'mon Clara. You know.
Or maybe Jen W knows?
If you don't mind traveling to Brooklyn, Peter Luger is by far my favorite.
1) http://www.peterluger.com
2) http://www.yelp.com/biz/peter-luger-steak-house-brooklyn#hrid:9fc9KzRimVr82m4HDggC5A/query:peter%20luger
Did anyone else read "streak"?
Thanks! Looking forward to the Big Apple! I'll try and call you later today.
Justin--I only just recently began eating chicken again after 15 years! Unfortunately, I am not your NYC steak hookup my friend. : )
Jim agrees with the Peter Luger suggestion -- but it's hard to get into. His second suggestion is The Palm or The Palm too and be sure to get the creamed spinach and hash browns. Liz
If Peter Luger is not feasible (and it is a pain to get to), I recommend Blue Smoke. Not a conventional steakhouse, I like both food and relaxed atmosphere there. 116 E 27th St (Lexington Ave & S Park Ave); 212-447-7733; www.bluesmoke.com
Another suggestion is Dylan Prime down in Tribeca. More traditional "power" steakhouse feel but with sleeker decor, not a clubby one like many in the midtown (a la S&W). The location is not that convenient. 62 Laight St (off Greenwich St); 212-334-4783; www.dylanprime.com
Finally, my favorite NAME for a steakhouse in NYC is Strip House at 13 E 12th St. Too bad that the food was not as great (for me) as its name.
Have fun!
the Palm. hands down. not much of a decor, but you know. you know. it's the BEST.
Check out http://eatbite.com/steak for some ideas. Luger is pretty much the place to go.
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