Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dr Laurel's graduation Pics

Here are some pics of Dr Laurel's graduation.
Can you pick her in the crowd?

The Boy was proud of his mum [as well as his balloons].

Where is wisdom to be found?

Laurel is appreciating your words of kindness. You are welcome to make more. :)

Love, Justin.

PS She graduated from the Catholic University of America. With the 'Shrine of the Immaculate Conception’ towering above, and the Archbishop dressed to the nines, and Wolf Blitzer from CNN embedded in the ceremony [in pic behind the Archbishop], the Roman Catholics know how to put on a show!


Liesl Gibson said...

Oh, wow, I am so glad you posted these photos! Was thinking about you all weekend, wondering how it went. Now I feel like I was there with you!

Anonymous said...

wow that must have been an exciting day! How does it feel Dr Moffat?!
You all look lovely! But can I just say that 'the girl' looks particularly adorable! hehe so cute!
oh, and the verse on where is wisdom found - definately an important thing to be reminded of!

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations! It looks like it was a really beautiful day...I'm just curious as to what would have happened if it had rained??? Doesn't look like there was too much of a contingency plan :P

Two+One said...

Many Congratulations Dr. Laurelfrom Dirk & Heike - we are proud of Laurel and all, who supported her! Finisehd, Ende, Done!
Our deepest respect for your hard work, even though we have no clue what it's about. It's just that we are better in reading numbers than letters :-)

Camel said...

Congratulations Doc!

When i graduated and had the square hat on (Bachelor) i admired those folk at my ceremony with the puffy hat on (PhD Types) and wanted one for myself. Alas i don;t think it will be, but the puffy hat suits you well.

Also on a side note, Wolf Blitzer, is it just me or does his name sound like some gun emplacement in WW2?