Thursday, May 31, 2007

(#4) John 16 Sermon: In order to Stay, he has to Go.

(This is my SECOND sermon on the Work of the Spirit in John. Read John 16:5-15 before reading.)
V6 – But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your hearts.
Jesus is with his disciples for the last time. Within a couple of hours, he’ll be betrayed with a kiss; and within 24 hours, he’ll be crucified with a cross. The disciples don’t know this of course. But Jesus does, and he reads the face of the disciples and sees in their hearts.

And he is straight with them: 'All of what I’m saying to you is heartrending, isn’t it?' (Like saying Goodbye at the Airport, the words will almost always tear at the fabric of your heart.)

But I am telling you the truth, 'you’ll be better off if I go'. – V7:

It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
What are Jesus’ words that are tearing at their hearts?

In Chapter 15, it’s this: You will be hated as you testify to me. You will not be liked one little bit. If they persecuted me, what makes you think that they will not persecute you?

And you will be my witnesses: What’s so hard about that? Well, you’ll be saying to Jewish people: Your Messiah has come and gone, and yet is alive today. And you’ll be saying to the Greeks: All your beauty and sophistry is summed up by a man on a Roman Cross.

You’ll be saying things that either people will find offensive or they’ll laugh you off. (And I’m not sure which is worse.) Or they'll kill you.

And more – you’ll be on your own! I’m going away (V5) and leaving you to it. So good luck, fellas. (At least that is what they hear.)

But I am telling you the truth – V7:
It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate (The Spirit) will not come to you.
Next: Why this is important...

PS Points for Blog comprehension: Where is this Pic taken, and what are the circumstances?

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